NUC introduces software engineering, cybersecurity, others to university curriculum

NUC introduces software engineering, cybersecurity, others to university curriculum

The National Universities Commission (NUC) has unveiled an updated set of core technology courses to be integrated into the curriculum of Nigerian universities. Dr. Chris Maiyaki, the acting Executive Secretary of the commission, confirmed this development during a recent meeting with stakeholders, noting that the new curriculum will take effect from September 2023.


Maiyaki elaborated on the new curriculum, named Core Curriculum Minimum Academic Standards (CCMAS), which will make up 70% of the curriculum, with universities retaining the autonomy to determine the remaining 30%. He expressed his belief that this implementation will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the education sector.

Among the newly introduced courses by the National Universities Commission for Nigerian universities are Cybersecurity, Data Science, Information and Communication Technology, Computer Science, Information Systems, and Software Engineering.


The Federal Government, through the National Universities Commission (NUC), has introduced programs such as Cybersecurity, Data Science, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Information Systems, and Software Engineering into the Nigerian university system for several compelling reasons:

Technological Advancements: The rapid global progression of technology has generated an escalating demand for professionals skilled in cybersecurity, data science, ICT, and software engineering. These fields are essential for addressing contemporary challenges and seizing opportunities in the digital era.

Industry Demand: The information technology sector is expanding across various industries, including finance, healthcare, telecommunications, and government. To meet this demand, a highly skilled workforce is required, and the new curriculum aligns with the needs of these industries.

Economic Growth: Concentrating on technology-related disciplines can stimulate economic growth by fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, and the emergence of technology-driven startups. This, in turn, can create employment opportunities and drive economic development.

Global Competitiveness: In an increasingly interconnected world, nations strive to maintain competitiveness in the global economy. By offering cutting-edge technology programs, Nigerian universities can produce graduates who are globally competitive and can enhance Nigeria’s presence in the global technology landscape.

Cybersecurity Concerns: The surge in cyber threats and attacks underscores the need for cybersecurity experts to safeguard critical infrastructure, government systems, and private data. The introduction of cybersecurity programs is a proactive response to address these security challenges.

Data-Driven Decision-Making: Data science and analytics are instrumental in assisting organizations in making well-informed decisions. These programs equip students with the skills required to analyze and extract insights from vast datasets.

ICT Infrastructure Development: Nigeria, like many other nations, is investing in information and communication technology infrastructure. Cultivating a skilled workforce in ICT-related fields supports the growth and maintenance of this infrastructure.

Global Knowledge Exchange: By offering programs aligned with international standards and trends, Nigerian universities can facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration with institutions worldwide, enhancing the country’s global academic standing.

Embracing technology can enhance efficiency, knowledge acquisition, and connectivity while unlocking a multitude of opportunities and enhancing various aspects of individuals’ lives.

Hence, the incorporation of these freshly updated courses signifies an acknowledgment of the ever-changing technological terrain and the imperative to empower Nigerian graduates with the expertise and acumen necessary to excel in a tech-centric environment, bolster economic advancement, fortify cybersecurity, and maintain competitiveness in the global arena.

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